1. Boundaries of course
Boundaries of course are made by white stakes or by fence (holes numbers 1,5,6,8)
2. Water Hazards
Water Hazards (crosswise) are marked by yellow stakes, lengthwise water hazards are marked by red skates.
Environmentally-Sensitive Area on course is marked by red stakes with green top. It is forbidden to play or enter ESA. Player must take relief without penalty.
3. Ground Under Repair
Ground Under Repair is marked by blue stakes or by lines
Traces made by machines on short cut areas.
4. Immovable Obstructions
a) Informational and directional boards and billboards
b) Benches, bins, balls cleaners, all fixed parts of navigation system
c) All ways in the area and part of course which has no grass
d) All parts of irrigation and drainage system and object of filling station on hole no. 7
e) Object of chapel between holes no. 1 and 9
5. Moveable Obstructions
a) Sign on the course “TEE n. XX”, “NEXT TEE”
b) All stakes besides stakes shows boundaries of course
c) Stones in bunker bigger than 1 cm
6. Penalty for breach local rules
Stroke play – Two strokes
Match play – Loss of hole
7. All distance sign are measured in meters to green beginnings